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Are you tired of getting the “must aggregate correlated scalar subquery” error in Spark SQL? Do you want to know what this error means and how to fix it? Look no further! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Spark SQL and explore the concept of correlated scalar subqueries, why they’re essential, and how to aggregate them correctly.

Table of Contents

What are Correlated Scalar Subqueries?

A correlated scalar subquery is a type of subquery that references columns from the outer query. In other words, it’s a subquery that depends on the outer query to execute. This type of subquery is often used to filter or aggregate data based on conditions that involve the outer query.

FROM orders o
WHERE o.total_amount > (
  SELECT AVG(total_amount)
  FROM orders
  WHERE customer_id = o.customer_id

In this example, the subquery references the customer_id column from the outer query. This is a correlated scalar subquery because it depends on the outer query to execute.

Why Do We Get the “Must Aggregate Correlated Scalar Subquery” Error?

The “must aggregate correlated scalar subquery” error occurs when Spark SQL is unable to execute a correlated scalar subquery because it’s not aggregated correctly. This error is thrown when the subquery is not wrapped in an aggregate function, such as SUM, AVG, or MAX.

FROM orders o
WHERE o.total_amount > (
  SELECT total_amount
  FROM orders
  WHERE customer_id = o.customer_id

In this example, the subquery is not aggregated, which causes the error. To fix this, we need to wrap the subquery in an aggregate function.

How to Aggregate Correlated Scalar Subqueries

So, how do we aggregate correlated scalar subqueries? The answer is simple: we wrap the subquery in an aggregate function! Let’s take a look at some examples:

Example 1: Using SUM

FROM orders o
WHERE o.total_amount > (
  SELECT SUM(total_amount)
  FROM orders
  WHERE customer_id = o.customer_id

Example 2: Using AVG

FROM orders o
WHERE o.total_amount > (
  SELECT AVG(total_amount)
  FROM orders
  WHERE customer_id = o.customer_id

Example 3: Using MAX

FROM orders o
WHERE o.total_amount > (
  SELECT MAX(total_amount)
  FROM orders
  WHERE customer_id = o.customer_id

In each of these examples, we’ve wrapped the subquery in an aggregate function, which allows Spark SQL to execute the query correctly.

Optimizing Correlated Scalar Subqueries

While aggregating correlated scalar subqueries is essential, it’s also important to optimize them for better performance. Here are some tips to help you optimize your correlated scalar subqueries:

  • Use efficient aggregate functions**: Choose the most efficient aggregate function for your use case. For example, if you only need to filter data, using EXISTS or IN might be more efficient than using an aggregate function.
  • Use indexes**: Indexing columns used in the subquery can significantly improve performance. Make sure to create indexes on the columns used in the subquery.
  • Optimize the subquery**: Optimize the subquery itself by reducing the number of rows and columns it returns. This can be done by adding filters or using more efficient join types.
  • Use Spark SQL’s built-in optimization techniques**: Spark SQL provides various optimization techniques, such as caching and broadcasting, to improve performance. Make sure to use these techniques to optimize your correlated scalar subqueries.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When working with correlated scalar subqueries, it’s easy to make mistakes that can lead to errors or poor performance. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

  • Not aggregating the subquery**: This is the most common mistake that leads to the “must aggregate correlated scalar subquery” error. Make sure to always wrap the subquery in an aggregate function.
  • Not optimizing the subquery**: Failing to optimize the subquery can lead to poor performance. Make sure to optimize the subquery by reducing the number of rows and columns it returns.
  • Not using indexes**: Not using indexes on columns used in the subquery can lead to poor performance. Make sure to create indexes on these columns.
  • Not using efficient aggregate functions**: Using inefficient aggregate functions can lead to poor performance. Make sure to choose the most efficient aggregate function for your use case.


In this article, we’ve explored the world of Spark SQL and correlated scalar subqueries. We’ve learned why we get the “must aggregate correlated scalar subquery” error, how to aggregate correlated scalar subqueries, and how to optimize them for better performance. By following the tips and avoiding common mistakes, you’ll be able to write efficient and effective correlated scalar subqueries in Spark SQL.

Aggregate Function Description
SUM Returns the sum of a set of values
AVG Returns the average of a set of values
MAX Returns the maximum value in a set of values
MIN Returns the minimum value in a set of values
COUNT Returns the number of rows in a set of values

Remember, correlated scalar subqueries are a powerful tool in Spark SQL, but they require careful handling to avoid errors and optimize performance. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to writing efficient and effective correlated scalar subqueries in Spark SQL.

FROM orders o
WHERE o.total_amount > (
  SELECT AVG(total_amount)
  FROM orders
  WHERE customer_id = o.customer_id

Try running this query in your Spark SQL environment to see how it works!

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to the most common questions about Spark SQL: Must Aggregate Correlated Scalar Subquery!

What is a Correlated Scalar Subquery in Spark SQL?

A Correlated Scalar Subquery is a subquery that references columns from the outer query. In Spark SQL, when you use a correlated scalar subquery, you’re essentially asking Spark to compute a value for each row in the outer query, using values from that row.

Why do I need to aggregate a Correlated Scalar Subquery in Spark SQL?

Spark SQL requires you to aggregate a Correlated Scalar Subquery because it’s not possible to return a single value from a subquery that references multiple rows from the outer query. By aggregating the subquery, you’re telling Spark to combine the values from the subquery into a single value that can be used in the outer query.

How do I aggregate a Correlated Scalar Subquery in Spark SQL?

You can aggregate a Correlated Scalar Subquery in Spark SQL using aggregate functions like SUM, AVG, MAX, MIN, etc. For example, you can use the SUM function to add up the values from the subquery, or the AVG function to calculate the average value.

What happens if I don’t aggregate a Correlated Scalar Subquery in Spark SQL?

If you don’t aggregate a Correlated Scalar Subquery in Spark SQL, you’ll get an error message saying “Correlated scalar subqueries must be aggregated”. This is because Spark SQL can’t return multiple values from a subquery that references multiple rows from the outer query.

Can I use a Correlated Scalar Subquery in Spark SQL without aggregating it?

No, you can’t use a Correlated Scalar Subquery in Spark SQL without aggregating it. Spark SQL requires that Correlated Scalar Subqueries be aggregated to ensure that a single value is returned from the subquery.

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