Solving the Infamous VBC Error ‘& e_emb.Message Visual Studio 22 Preview’
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Solving the Infamous VBC Error ‘& e_emb.Message Visual Studio 22 Preview’

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Are you tired of encountering the frustrating VBC error ‘& e_emb.Message’ in Visual Studio 22 Preview? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the depths of this error, exploring its causes, symptoms, and most importantly, solutions. By the end of this article, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle this issue head-on and get back to coding with confidence.

What is the VBC Error ‘& e_emb.Message’?

The VBC error ‘& e_emb.Message’ is a runtime error that occurs in Visual Studio 22 Preview, specifically when working with Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET) projects. This error is often triggered by issues related to the embedding of resources or dynamic loading of assemblies.

Symptoms of the Error

When encountering the VBC error ‘& e_emb.Message’, you may experience the following symptoms:

  • Compilation errors or warnings related to resource embedding
  • Runtime exceptions or crashes when attempting to load assemblies dynamically
  • Inconsistent or incomplete data in embedded resources
  • Failure to load dependent assemblies or libraries

Causes of the VBC Error ‘& e_emb.Message’

Several factors can contribute to the VBC error ‘& e_emb.Message’. Some common causes include:

  1. Improper Resource Embedding: Incorrectly embedded resources or missing resource files can lead to this error.
  2. Dynamic Assembly Loading Issues: Failure to load dependent assemblies or libraries at runtime can trigger this error.
  3. Corrupted Project Files: Damaged or corrupted project files, such as the `.vbproj` file, can cause this error.
  4. Incompatible .NET Framework Version: Using an incompatible .NET Framework version can lead to this error.
  5. Third-Party Library Conflicts: Conflicts with third-party libraries or dependencies can also cause this error.

Solutions to the VBC Error ‘& e_emb.Message’

Now that we’ve explored the causes and symptoms of the VBC error ‘& e_emb.Message’, let’s dive into the solutions:

Solution 1: Verify Resource Embedding

To resolve issues related to resource embedding, follow these steps:

  1. Open the project properties in Visual Studio 22 Preview.
  2. Navigate to the Resources tab.
  3. Ensure that all resources are correctly embedded and that the Build Action is set to Embedded Resource.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project xmlns="">
    <EmbeddedResource Include="YourResource.resx" />

Solution 2: Troubleshoot Dynamic Assembly Loading

To resolve issues related to dynamic assembly loading, try the following:

  1. Verify that the dependent assemblies are correctly referenced in your project.
  2. Ensure that the assemblies are correctly loaded and resolved at runtime.
  3. Use the Fusion Log Viewer tool to diagnose assembly loading issues.
Imports System.Reflection
Dim assembly As Assembly = Assembly.Load("YourAssembly")
 Dim type As Type = assembly.GetType("YourTypeName")
 Dim method As MethodInfo = type.GetMethod("YourMethodName")
 method.Invoke(Nothing, Nothing)

Solution 3: Repair Corrupted Project Files

To resolve issues related to corrupted project files, try the following:

  1. Create a backup of your project files.
  2. Delete the corrupted `.vbproj` file.
  3. Re-create the project file using the Visual Studio 22 Preview project wizard.
  4. Re-add all necessary references, resources, and configurations.

Solution 4: Check .NET Framework Version Compatibility

To resolve issues related to incompatible .NET Framework versions, try the following:

  1. Verify that your project targets a compatible .NET Framework version.
  2. Ensure that all dependent assemblies and libraries are compatible with the target .NET Framework version.
  3. Use the <TargetFramework> element in your project file to specify the correct .NET Framework version.
<Project xmlns="">

Solution 5: Resolve Third-Party Library Conflicts

To resolve issues related to third-party library conflicts, try the following:

  1. Verify that all third-party libraries are compatible with your project’s .NET Framework version.
  2. Ensure that all library references are correctly added and configured.
  3. Use a tool like ILRepack to merge and resolve conflicts between libraries.
Solution Description
Verify Resource Embedding Ensure correct resource embedding and configuration.
Troubleshoot Dynamic Assembly Loading Verify correct assembly loading and resolution.
Repair Corrupted Project Files Re-create the project file to resolve corruption issues.
Check .NET Framework Version Compatibility Ensure compatible .NET Framework version and dependent assemblies.
Resolve Third-Party Library Conflicts Resolve conflicts between third-party libraries and your project.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored the VBC error ‘& e_emb.Message’ in Visual Studio 22 Preview, discussing its causes, symptoms, and solutions. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to resolve this error and get back to coding with confidence. Remember to always verify resource embedding, troubleshoot dynamic assembly loading, repair corrupted project files, check .NET Framework version compatibility, and resolve third-party library conflicts. Happy coding!

Keywords: VBC Error, & e_emb.Message, Visual Studio 22 Preview, Resource Embedding, Dynamic Assembly Loading, Corrupted Project Files, .NET Framework Version Compatibility, Third-Party Library Conflicts.

Frequently Asked Questions about “VBC Error & e_emb.Message Visual Studio 22 Preview”

Get answers to the most pressing questions about the VBC Error & e_emb.Message in Visual Studio 22 Preview!

What does the VBC Error & e_emb.Message mean in Visual Studio 22 Preview?

The VBC Error & e_emb.Message is an error message that appears in Visual Studio 22 Preview, indicating that there is an issue with the embedded message in your VB code. It usually occurs when there is a syntax error or incorrect configuration in your code.

How do I fix the VBC Error & e_emb.Message in Visual Studio 22 Preview?

To fix this error, review your VB code for any syntax errors, and make sure that all embedded messages are properly configured. You can also try cleaning and rebuilding your project, or check for any updates to the Visual Studio 22 Preview software.

Is the VBC Error & e_emb.Message only related to Visual Studio 22 Preview?

No, the VBC Error & e_emb.Message is not exclusive to Visual Studio 22 Preview. This error can occur in other versions of Visual Studio as well, whenever there is an issue with embedded messages in VB code.

Can I ignore the VBC Error & e_emb.Message and continue coding?

It’s not recommended to ignore the VBC Error & e_emb.Message, as it can lead to more serious issues in your code. Resolving the error will help ensure that your code runs smoothly and efficiently.

Are there any online resources available to help me resolve the VBC Error & e_emb.Message?

Yes, there are many online resources available to help you resolve the VBC Error & e_emb.Message, including Microsoft’s official documentation, online forums, and coding communities like Stack Overflow.

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